Rowing update for Hawthorn Rowing Club following the Albert Park Masters Regatta.
Read MoreRowing Update April 4th→
/Rowing update for Hawthorn Rowing Club following the Victorian State Championships and the Geelong Masters Regatta.
Read MoreRowing Update March 30th →
/Rowing update for upcoming April Masters season. Includes wrap of Grade regatta results for HRC at Footscray.
Read MoreRegatta Results March 7th →
/Regatta Wrap from State Champs. HRC had a squad of 28 attending the 2-day State Championships in Ballarat on March 5-6 2022. HRC took away a State Championship each day with Archie Critchell, Schoolboy Sculling Champion on Saturday. and Male C Grade pair champions Rob Flocas and George Keon-Cohen on Sunday.
Read MoreRegatta Results February 21st
/HRC had a squad of 45 attending the 2 day Nagambie Regatta on 19-20 February 2022. A great day was had by all. Highlights included 5 Wins by the club in Sunday's racing, and the 1st win for Mohamed Ali in the B2x with Max Currie.
Read MoreRegatta News February 2022
/Regatta News for February 2022 for Hawthorn Rowing Club Members
Read MoreClub Newsletter December 2021 →
/December ‘21 Club News for Members including the HRC Xmas function and regattas into the new year.
Read MoreNewsletter- 16th September 2021
/HRC Clubhouse remains closed…….
The Victorian Premier is set to provide a roadmap on Sunday which we hope will provide some directions as to when we can get our club back on the water. HRC will reopen as soon as is safe to do so. In the meantime, we hope all members are doing what they can to stay sane and to keep fit.
At last night’s committee meeting (held via zoom) members of the committee, all of whom are double vaxed, approved a motion to encourage HRC to become a fully vaccinated community club.
We will seek Boroondara Council and Rowing Victoria direction on what vaccination status may mean to both usage of council facilities and participation in the sport going forward. We will provide direction back to members when we receive their responses.
Head of the Yarra update and invite on member input.
The Head of the Yarra committee will reconvene next week after the Premier’s roadmap is announced, to make key decisions on the 2021 Head of the Yarra.
It appears a nationally represented on-water event will once again not be possible this year. One proposal the Committee is giving serious attention to is a Virtual Head of the Yarra Regatta.
The Concept proposal for a <Virtual Head of the Yarra is HERE> for member information and to facilitate any member thoughts back to committee via email to our <Regatta Secretary>.
Member input received before next Wednesday (22nd September) can be tabled for the HOTY organising committee to take on board in their discussions and decisions.
At this link a promotional <Virtual Head of The Yarra Video> is available. We ask members not to share on Social Media, until decisions are made on what the club will do.
Honorary HRC Members for 2021.
The HRC Committee each year awards honorary season membership to individuals who provide selfless support and service to the club.
Our congratulations and thanks this year go to: Olive Flocas our no, 1 regatta supporter, Brian Bourke (HOTY), Noel Carter (Volunteer coach), James Dewar (Anzac services), Mark Landy (Dr HOTY), Tim Landy (Dr HOTY), Fiona Morrison (Parks Liaison Officer HOTY), Lachlan Nichols (HOTY). and Bruce Winnen (HOTY).
A second shiny Eight is coming to our the sheds.
HRC has purchased a Swift Carbon Elite Eight which will put into service to provide a spine to our women’s competitive sweep program. Something to look forward to when we get back on the water.
HRC Club Newsletter- 27 March 2021 →
/Reviews of Australian Rowing Championships, and bridge works detail
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