Staging Update
The HRC staging upgrade has been pushed back to July 2022, enabling us to continue training from our site to complete the 2022 Masters regatta season.
Daylight Savings
A reminder daylight savings ends this Sunday April 3, meaning early morning rowers get some better light and evening rowers start to lose the light.
Those Rowing before dawn and after dusk must attach lights.
Rowing Development Time Change
As from Tuesday 5th April mid week Rowing Development sessions will start half and hour earlier at 5.30 pm .
Save The Date - Sunday April 24th.
Club’s Anzac service, and Anzac club races will take place on Sunday April 24th. The New 8 will also be christened as part of the morning’s proceedings.
Regatta Wrap
National Champs Nagambie 30th March - 2 April.
Hawthorn has 4 members representing the Club at the National Championships currently underway in Nagambie. Max Currie and Oliver Lendrum have been knocked out in the heats of the Mu192-, and Max Currie and Archie Critchell have narrowly missed the Semi Finals of the MU192x. Both Max and Archie contest the heat of the MSchO1x on Thursday. We wish them well. Event is live streamed here Livestream
Footscray Sat March 26th
A squad of 28 Members represented Hawthorn in our last Grade regatta before the Master’s Season. Despite some last minute covid scratchings, the club recorded three wins:
1. MC8+ R.Blackwell, A. Vogan, C.Brown, G.Sullings, M.Beale, R.Flocas, O Lendrum P Freeland-Small Cox: G.Besley
2. MM4+ G.Sullings, P. Freeland-Small, S. O’Conner-Smith, R. Flockas Cox G Besley
3. MB2- S. O’Conner-Smith, C. Tullock
Masters Regatta Series April -May.
Forty-Five mmbers have nominated to represent Hawthorn across the seven-week long Masters regatta season giving the club a good shot at the Victorian Masters Premiership (we currently sit in third place).
Geelong Saturday April 2.
27 Members will represent the Club this Saturday on the Barwon. Hawthorn has 3 Eights racing, Male E & F crews will be in action plus a mixed masters eight.
Baggy Blues Season Win Tally 30th March 2022
9: Rob Flocas
6: George Keon-Cohen, Greg Sullings
5: Max Currie, Trevor Knowles, John Perry, George Keon Cohen, Chris Brown, Shane O’Conner-Smith, Pat Freeland-Small
4: Ev Williamson, Dom Horne, Ruth Oliver, Chris Brown, John Stewart, Andrew Vogan,
3: Robyn Blake, Richard Blackwell, Mathew Beale, Conrad Tullock
2: Archie Critchell, Mark Oliver,
1: Oliver Lendrum, Peter Wilson, James Thomas, John Lake, Jacqui Bondell, David Anstee, Mohamed Ali, Alan Purton
Coxes Wins 5 : Guy Beasley 3: Lucy Babbidge, 1: Nick Thomas, Sophie Watts. Penny Vogan, Isabelle Rochford