Learn To Row
ABOUT: Hawthorn Rowing Club's Learn to Row program aims to introduce the 200-year old sport of rowing to a wide range of adult community members. Have you been curious to give rowing a try? Did you row for a short time during school and are eager to regain fitness? Envious of watching others glide along the Yarra and ready to do something about it?
The program is run over 5 sessions of 90 minutes held on Saturday and Sunday’s starting with a land-based session to learn technique using rowing machines and then progressing to sessions on the water developing your skills in a crewed boat.
We ask that all participants are fully vaccinated against Covid 19 you will be asked to provide proof of vaccination on arrival.
The cost for the program is $230 which includes all 5 sessions with an accredited rowing coach, use of gym equipment for the program, rowing boats and registration with Rowing Victoria for Insurance.
Once you have completed the program there is the option to continue rowing with the club by becoming a member and joining the Rowing Development sessions or progressing your rowing skills with one of the club’s private coaches either one on one or with a group.
Session information and dates
If you would like more information about our program and session dates, please email learntorow@hawthornrowingclub.com
If you would like more information regarding the Junior learn to row program, please email juniorrowing@hawthornrowingclub.com
Register your interest today
to be notified about our next Learn to Row program.
Email: learntorow@hawthornrowingclub.com