Club Races, Boat Christening and Lone Piper lead Service.
Albert Park Masters Regatta Wrap 30 April 2022
Winners Mixed Masters Quad
Hawthorn had a masters squad of 38 represent the club at Albert Park Masters regatta last weekend successfully knotching up 5 wins.
MM( F)8+ Pat Freeland-Small, John Perry, Trevor Knowles, Matthew Beale, Bruce Winnen, John Stewart, Greg Sullings, Richard Blackwell, Cox Guy Besley
MM4+ Conrad Tullock, John Perry, John Stewart, Greg Sullings, Cox Isabelle Rochford
FM4x+ Ruth Oliver, Robyn Blake, Dom Horne, Louise Olayos, Cox Bill Olayos.
XM4X+ Jen Wheelahan, Vic Sibillin, Stuart Chard, Julie Cotchin, Cox Bill Olayos
MM4x+ Richard Blackwell, Stuart Chard, Vic Sibillin, Shane O Conner-Smith Cox Greg Sullings
Ballarat Masters Wrap 23rd April
Hawthorn was represented by 9 members at the Ballarat Masters with some solid performances but no wins.
Hawthorn will be represented by a squad of 39 members at the State Masters next weekend, with club focus on the Saturday race program.
The 2022 season culminates in 3 weeks time with the National Masters Regatta at Ballarat.
Note Early Entry close Monday May 9. Regatta Details Here
Baggy Blues Season Win Tally 1st May 2022
10: Rob Flocas, Greg Sullings
9: John Perry
8: Pat Freeland-Small, Trevor Knowles, John Stewart, Richard Blackwell,
6: George Keon-Cohen, Shane O’Conner-Smith, Dom Horne
5: Max Currie, Chris Brown, , Ev Williamson, Mark Oliver, Ruth Oliver
4: Andrew Vogan, Robyn Blake, Mathew Beale, Conrad Tullock
3: Stuart Chard
2: Archie Critchell, Jacqui Bondell, Vic Sibillin, Stuart Chard
1: Oliver Lendrum, Peter Wilson, James Thomas, John Lake, David Anstee, Mohamed Ali, Alan Purton, Tiffany Rimmington, Bill Olayos, Andrew Barrat, Louise Olayos, Jen Wheelahan, Julie Cotchin
Coxes Wins 8: Guy Beasley 4: Isabelle Rochford 3: Lucy Babbidge 2: Bill Olayos 1: Nick Thomas, Sophie Watts. Penny Vogan, Greg Sullings