Australian Henley Results
Read MoreHRC Captain’s Blog -Jan 2021→
/MRA Rutherglen Results
Seventeen HRC members represented Hawthorn at the two-day Murray Rowing Association’s regatta series last weekend.
It was great to see two Hawthorn eights (X8+ and FM8+) in the finals on both days.
The club won 6 Gold over the two days.
Winning Crews: U17 1X Max Currie, U172X Max & Archie Critchell , MM2X Pat F-S & Andrew Vogan (both days) and MM4+ Mark Oliver, John Stewart, Pat F-S, Richard Blackwell, Penny Vogan (C) (both Days).
Upcoming Regattas
Next regatta HRC is attending is the Barwon Regatta on Sunday January 24th.
Expressions of interest for crews and regatta entry to Captain by midday next Sunday.
HRC Website - Coaching
There are a range of rowing training resources for members available on the HRC website. Materials reflect coaching resources from the Rowing Australia coaching program: <Coaching at HRC> .
<Training and rowing physiology>
Rowing Development Sessions
A reminder RD session times for those interested in race crew training, are Sundays at 8.00am, Tuesday 6.00pm and Thursdays 6.00pm.
Please book your spot by using the training bookings app. <Here>
Note in some of the forthcoming weeks when we are attending regattas on the Sunday, we will change RD training slots to Saturday 8.00am.
Club Newsletter Xmas 2020→
/Join other members and families at the Hawthorn Clubhouse next Sunday morning December 20th for our Xmas Row HO HO. We’d like to see members and their training buddies empty out the boathouse getting the full fleet out on the water.
Be at HRC Clubhouse 9.45 am next Sunday (on the water by 10.00am), for the club Xmas row to Dolly and back followed by drinks and nibbles in the clubhouse forecourt. Bar open 11.00am with drinks at bar prices. A share plate of Xmas fare would be appreciated from those attending. Partners and families are welcome.
What to Wear? Club colours with a touch of xmas to add a bit of xmas glam.
Use the link below to book your Xmas row and note if you need to be placed in a crew. Captain would also like to get an eight on the water with the jolly man in the red suit in the drivers seat. If you’d like a spot in the eight note your side preference in the booking.
<Row Ho Ho bookings here. (Free club event)>
Note there is no Rowing Development session next Sunday at 8.00am due to this club event.
Next - Rutherglen
Interest sought by <Captain> for members wishing to represent HRC at the 2-day MRA regatta series on the weekend of Jan 9th -10th 2021.
A wide range of boat classes and multiple events for those attending <Details Here>.
Note: Entries required 3/1/21 at latest. Accommodation bookings will be also be required 8th & 9th Jan.
HRC Regatta Program 2021
The 2021 HRC Regatta calendar for the club is available <here> to assist in your planning.
After Rutherglen, we get very busy from mid- January with regatta’s on most weekends.
Entries for regattas are required by Captain, 10 days ahead of regatta dates.
Junior Rowing
PBR our Junior coaching program supplier in January is offering both a School Holiday program for Junior Members, and a Junior Learn to Row Program for non members.
Book your training sessions
Currently due to protocols for CovId Club safety electronic records of attendance must be maintained by the club. All members need to book training utilising the app or club websites <weblink>.
With your mobile camera on, scan this QR code. When prompted follow the link to your mobile phone’s App store to install the Acuity scheduling tool.The Hawthorn Rowing Club schedule will appear in the app.
You are now sorted to book your training on the run.
HRC Club Newsletter Dec 2020→
/Well done to the 3 crews who completed the course in our HRC Only 2020 HOTY last Saturday.
Three Hawthorn crews completed the Head of the Yarra course last Saturday afternoon in place of the official event which was cancelled due to the pandemic.
A mixed masters D eight, rowed the downstream at 2.00 pm and completed the course in a time of 40:44.01 (hc.adj). Crew was coxed by Shane O Conner Smith and stoked by Monica Fawcett.
A female D eight and male masters E eight rowed the upstream course at Female eight coxed by Penny Vogan and stroked by Ruth Oliver completed the course in 42:54 (hcp.adj). The Male Eight coxed by Andrew Vogan and stroked by Pat Freeland-Small completed the course in 38.01 (hcp.adj.)
Crews in action below. Photos courtesy of Olly Beadle.
Good Speed to the 4 female masters quads, the 2 male masters quads, the men’s masters double, men’s masters single, the schoolboy and schoolgirl doubles, and the schoolboy single racing for Hawthorn this Saturday.
Regatta details are <here>. Pop down to the city end of the Yarra on Saturday morning to cheer on our crews,
Season Regatta News
The First regatta for Hawthorn as a club is on this weekend with the Melbourne Head.
The next regatta the club is planning on attending is the Murray Valley Rowing Associations regatta season over 2 days on the beautiful Lake Moodamere in Rutherglen on the weekend of January 9 -10 2021.
The regatta provides two days of racing across multiple boat classes and all age categories. <Regatta information is here>
Those planning on attending should book some accomodation in Rutherglen or Corowa for Friday 8th and Saturday 9th January. This link may help <Rutherglen Accomodation>
The 2021 HRC Regatta calendar for the club is available <here> to assist in your planning.
Newsletter 14→
/Newsletter - 22 April 2020
Pay a visit to the HRC memorial as part of your exercise activity over the next week.
HRC Anzac Service
Each year it is HRC club tradition to remember our members who have served by hosting club races followed by an Anzac service at the club’s war memorial, (one of the oldest memorials in Australia). <The Origins of the HRC Memorial>
This year due to Covid 19 there will be no club gathering or service on April 25th. Members may instead consider adding a visit to the memorial into your daily exercise activities and stop for a minutes silence to reflect on those who have come before us and sacrificed so much for our way of life.
In line with tradition our club president Bill Olayos will lay a wreath at the memorial on behalf of the membership.
Do yo have access to an ergo?
Upcoming “ Virtual“ Regatta- 25th April.
For those who have access to an ergo RV are running a virtual regatta series.
Series one starts April 25th.
Rowing and Covid-19 restrictions.
There has been some conflicting advice recently on an easing of stage-3 restrictions suggesting sculling is OK. Our official club advice is don’t row, stay at home. Marine Victoria still have closure on all waterways, RV don’t sanction rowing, all clubs are closed and boat ramps are off limits, so realistically there is nowhere to row. Details from Rowing Victoria are below.
Committee Meeting
April 21st - Member Update
Clubhouse. Club, boat ramp and river are currently in forced lockdown due to Covid-!9. Members will be advised when status changes.
Locks & Security. Andrew Vogan & Vic Sibilin have taken the opportunity to upgrade security with web cams and a fob-key system installed. Members will be advised of details on these changes when club reopens.
Staging upgrade. Melbourne Water requested some independent modelling to demonstrate the pontoon won’t have a negative impact on the river. Council has commissioned this and results are due back on 24 April. If the results are positive, Melbourne Water has committed to review and approve the project within 5 days. This means that all being well, final (virtual) design meeting for early May and then proceed with the project shortly after. If the results from the modelling are not positive it is unlikely project will proceed until winter months of next year.
Head Of The Yarra 2020. Date is set for Saturday 28th November. HOTY committee will endeavour to field an event if at all possible. It is likely any 2020 event would be trimmed back with emphasis on local crews only. HOTY contributes close to 60% of the club’s operating costs, so an impending non-event year will severely limit the club’s financial capability.
Coaching Programs. Committee discussed forward priorities for coaching programs including Learn to Row, Junior Development and Club Regatta program. Club’s focus going forward, in view of financiial constraints, will be on a club rowing program that builds an active, cohesive and involved membership.
Coaching programs will be supported based on their financial viability and their contribution to developing an active, cohesive and involved membership.
Where’s Alan & Dimitrios?
On-Line BRO training
Get ready for next season by gaining your BRO certification. Rowing Victoria has an <Online BRO Level 1 Course> avaliable for free via website. HRC is regularly called upon to supply Boat Race Officials for the regattas we attend. As such, it would be great for all active rowers and a family member to complete the course .
HRC Club Newsletter 13→
/Corona Virus update
Hawthorn Rowing Club remains open at this stage but will only continue to do so provided members practice good hygiene and ensure proper social distancing practices.
It has been noted that some communal club oars are not being washed by some members with detergent after use. RA guidelines recommend washing oars not only after use but before going out also. To this end, some antiviral wipes have been placed on the ground floor near the buckets and hose. (Thanks Jen Wheelahan)
RA has also released a good informational video. Those of you who wish to continue to row are recommended to watch:
<Click Here for RA Corona Virus Advice Video>
In the video you note advice about training in small boats and singles and avoiding larger crews.
At HRC we are fortunate to have 15 club singles available for member use. In these abnormal times there is nothing better for the sole than to be able to get out on the river, commune with natures and get some healthy exercise.
As gyms increasingly close and more members are using the club strict hygiene must be followed or we too will be forced to close which would be a huge loss for all.
Season Regatta News
On March 12th a number of Junior School members from Balwyn, Kew and Auburn High schools competed in the last regatta - the State Schools Victoria Regatta which made it by 1 day prior to Covid -19 close.
Congratulations to Gold media winning crews:
Male YR9 1X - Archie Critchell
Male Open 1x - Jackson Morrish
Female YR10 2X - Netaanya Jiju, Isabelle Rochford.
Male Open 4X+ - Jackson Morrish, Xavier Mackey, Jonathan Gatsios,Jordan Koh, Thomas Pierce
HRC Club Newsletter 12→
/2020 Victorian U191x bronze medalist - HRC’s Jackson Morrish
State Champs Wrap - March 1st
Congratulations to Jackson Morrish who last Sunday morning took out the Bronze medal in the U19 male single sculls. He was described as having very clean rowing, clearly evidenced by the amount of water in his boat as he crossed the finish line.
The regatta was abondoned by midday due increasingly deteriorating rowing conditions. A contingent of 25 HRC members, including 6 of the Youth Development squad got lots of practice in loading and unloading the HRC trailer.
Archie is YR 9 State Champion
Congratulations to Hawthorn’s Archie Critchell (pictured centre), the new year 9 Victorian Schoolboy single sculls champion
Archie took gold in the Yr 9 1X at last Saturday’s State Junior Boy’s Schools championship winning his final in an impressive time of 4.03.62 (min.sec) a full 10 seconds ahead of the next placed silver medalist. We done Archie.
HRC Juniors Training - March 2020
Juniors training over the last month has been managed by Katie Dunoon, Kate Russell, Mark Russell and James Lauder.
With Luciano and Blades Sports Coaching’s departure from Hawthorn, parents of Juniors may like to take note of the March training roster and the supervising coaches for each session.
Coach contact details in emergency are:
Katie Dunnoon 0412 072 942, Kate Russell 0431,691 133, Mark Russell 0432 070 323, James Lauder 0421 616 627
Upcoming Regattas
March is a busy month leading to the end of the Summer season. Upcoming regattas include:
Thur 12 March. Victorian State Schools Regatta <Regatta Details> . A contingent of 7 HRC Juniors will be in action on the Barwon representing Hawthorn / Balwyn HS.
Sat 21 March. Footscray Saltwater Regatta <Regatta Details> . Entries to <Captain> by Sunday 15th March for all members interesting in participating in this regatta.
Mon 23 - Sun 29 March National Championships <Regatta Details> . Hawthorn has two of our Youth squad in action Jackson Morrish in U191X and Schoolboy 1X and Isabelle Rochford in U171X. We wish them good speed.
Sat 28 March - Albert Park Masters Regatta <Regatta Details> . Entries to <Captain> by Sunday 21st March.
Rowing Development Sessions
A reminder RD session times for those interested in race crew training, are Sundays 7.00am, Tuesday 6.00pm and Wednesdays 6.00am. Please book your spot at least 12hrs ahead <Here>
HRC Club Newsletter 11→
/Australian Henley
A large masters contingent of 25 members represented HRC at last week’s Australian Henley Regatta on the Yarra.
The notable performance for the day was the Hawthorn’s Female Master’s eight stroked by Ruth Oliver and superbly coxed by Josie Bondell that worked its way right through to the semi finals.
Victorian State Titles
State Champs are on this Weekend Feb 29 - Mar 1st at Ballarat.
Hawthorn has over 30 members taking part with 17 Adults and a large contingent of our Youth squad in action.
HRC Website - Coaching
This week’s website training focus is <Coaching at HRC> . The section has video covering coaches responsibilities, working with young athletes, and our policy on contract coaching HRC members. Prior weeks web posts: <Training and rowing physiology>
Rowing Development Sessions
A reminder RD session times for those interested in race crew training, are Sundays 7.00am, Tuesday 6.00pm and Wednesdays 6.00am. There will be no session on Sunday March 1 due to State Titles regatta.
Please book your spot at least 12hrs ahead <Here>
HRC Club Newsletter 10→
/Australian Henley
The Australian Henley regatta takes place on the Yarra next Saturday. Hawthorn has a large contingent of masters including 2 x eights, and members of our youth squad in action.
Pop down to boathouse drive in the city next Saturday to cheer on our Hawthorn crews.
Victorian State Titles
State Champs are on the weekend of Feb 29 - March 1st at Ballarat. Medals are awarded for Gold, Silver & Bronze
I’d like to see our adult contingent taking on the broad range of C and D grade event options on the Sunday.
Please nominate interest for crews or to compete to Captain by Sunday 23 February at latest.
HRC Website - training resources
This week’s focus is < Boat drills for training> A range of Rowing Australia drills are explained with some video for your rowing education. Prior weeks web posts for your review have included:
<Training and rowing physiology>
Rowing Development Sessions
Due to current river congestion on Thursday mornings, we have changed the weekly time for the mid-week morning RD session to Wednesday 6 00 am. A reminder RD session times for those interested in race crew training, are Sundays 7.00am, Tuesday 6.00pm and Wednesdays 6.00am.
Please book your spot at least 12hrs ahead <Here>
HRC Club Newsletter 9 →
/February 4th 2020
HRC’s Rowing Development Coach Luciano
Rowing Development sessions - new timetable.
The three club-sponsored rowing development sessions per week for adult members will move to a new timetable from next week.
The New timetable commencing 10th February is Tuesday nights 5.45 pm, Thursday mornings 6.00 am and Sunday Mornings 7.00am.
Book your seat at least 12 hours ahead using <the RD Session booking system>
February 8th and 9th. Hawthorn will be represented at the two-Day Nagambie regatta this weekend by 33 members rowing in underage, school and club events including both a male and a female eight. <Nagambie Regatta details>.
Saturday February 22nd sees The Australian Henley regatta on the Yarra. Our youth squad and Masters will be in action in a range of boat classes including male and female masters Eights. Any members interested in rowing in the masters eights, masters Women’s quads or Men’s masters 4’ s, let the Captain know for entries by Sunday February 16th. As we are likely to have more nominations than seats for the eights, we will select the most skilled and age advantaged masters combinations to compete.
Details of crews will be released by Sunday 16th. <Full Australian Henley event details here>
HRC Website Training resources
Under the Season 2019/220 tab of the HRC Website I am progressively loading a range of resources and training tips for members that are sourced from he Rowing Australia Coaching program.
This week I bring your attention to <Diet and Nutrition for Rowing. Check out these videos and resources>
HRC Club Newsletter 7→
/December 16 2019
Winners - Bruce, Alan, Tiffany, James, Richard, Tahnee, Maddie, Avishai (absent) and Club President Bill.
It’s the President’s Cup at Hawthorn.
Congratulations to the President’s crew (pictured) who took out the club’s annual end of year Captain’s vs President’s race at HRC yesterday.
The morning concluded with a boat christening of the” Lachlan Nichols” in honor of our long-standing Head of the Yarra Race secretary,
Carrum Regatta - 14th December Results.
Hawthorn was well represented by our youth squad and a small contingent of Adult members at Saturday’s Carrum Regatta. We had a number of fabulous performances with winning crews including Female U17 coxed quad, Female D grade coxed quad, Male Under 15 single and Female Grade double. Well done to all. <Full regatta results>
Rutherglen MRA regatta Jan 11 & 12th. Entries no later than 5th Jan 2020.
RV has provided this <great exercise chart> as your Xmas gifT
With the Xmas break there just over 3 weeks to start forming crews combinations and training for the 2 day MRA regattas. We plan on rowing in a range of boat classes including Eights. It’s a great club weekend away and good opportunity to bring your partners and family.
Please email <The Captain> if you intent to row and any crew suggestions you may be working on.
For full regatta details: <MRA Regatta Event Details>
Last rowing development sessions for the year this Wed, Thurs & Sunday.
Due to Xmas break there will be no RD sessions after the last one for the year on Sunday 22/12. Rowing Development sessions will resume for the new year on Sunday January 5th. Please ensure you book attendance 12 hours in advance.We have an on-line booking/confirmation system on the HRC Website. It can be accessed <HERE>
2020 Rowing Plan
A copy of the HRC 2020 rowing plan endorsed at the December committee meetings available here. <2020 Rowing Plan>
Newsletter 6→
/Newsletter 6.December 2019
All hands on for the 2019 President Vs Captain’s 8 this Sunday Dec 15th 9.00 am.
Captain’s vs President’s 8 is this Sunday at HRC.
9.00am - 11.00am Sunday Dec 15th.
The Club’s annual end of year Captain’s vs President’s race is on this Sunday.
Turn up by 9.00 am to put in your nomination to be in one of the crews which Captain and President will randomly pick out of a hat or email your interest to <Captain>in advance
We have two eights lined up for the race. We just need you to help fill the seats. The race is at 9.30 am followed by a club morning tea. Share plates are welcome to assist catering.
Family and friends are welcome to attend this fun social activity.
Upcoming Regatta- Rutherglen MRA regatta Jan 11 & 12th
Entries no later than 5th Jan 2020.
The quintessential Australian bush regatta over two days at Lake Moodamere in the Rutherglen Wine district.
It’s a great club weekend away and good opportunity to bring your partners and family.
THE One building on Lake Moodamere- Rutherglen RC
Suggest you book local accommodation from Friday January 10th till Sunday 12th (two nights).
Corowa Caravan Park has a range of options from unpowered tent sites to ensuite cabins. There are also lots of local motels & guest houses in Rutherglen area.
Rowing development sessions continue every Wed, Thurs & Sunday.
The three club-funded Rowing Development coaching sessions each week continue to attract strong participation so they will continue till the end of March 2020. (Wed 5.45 am, Thurs 5.45 pm, Sun 7am).
Please ensure you book attendance 12 hours in advance.
We have an on-line booking/confirmation system on the HRC Website. It can be accessed <HERE>
Due to Xmas break there will be no RD sessions after the last one for the year on Sunday 22/12. Rowing Development sessions will resume for the new year on Sunday January 5th.
HRC Coaches need to be on club register for Insurance
2020 Rowing Plan Endorsed
The HRC Committee endorsed the 2020 rowing plan at the December committee meeting. <2020 Rowing Plan>
One key aspect to bring to members attention is the introduction of a coaches register over the next three weeks. This is necessary due to issues associated with our insurers not providing coverage for paid third parties operating within a not for profit club insurance regime.
We will require all coaches to be part of a register that is held by the Captain. If you are utilising personal paid coaching services please check with the Captain that your coach is on the club’s register of approved coaches. You are not protected by HRC insurance for liability with non approved coaches.
Coxmate GPS rowing coaches
As part of our Head of the Yarra sponsorship contra, we have 6 personal GPS rowing coach units available for sale to members at a heavily reduced rate of $220 per unit.
The perfect gift for the sculler who wants to monitor and advance their in-boat efficiency.Details of the units are which we are selling for 1/3 the cost of a GPS NK unit are <HERE>
Just BSB funds to Club account letting Captain know that you would like purchase a unit.
There are six for sale.
On-Line BRO training NEW - Online BRO Level 1 Course
Rowing Victoria has introduced Online BRO Level 1 Course. Now avaliable for free via website. HRC is regularly called upon to supply Boat Race Officials for the regattas we attend. As such, it would be great for all active rowers and a family member to complete the course . Please click the link <HERE> to complete the course to attain your accreditation.
HRC Rowing News 2019 Edition 5→
/2019 Melbourne Head Race Squad
Melbourne Head Wrap
Hawthorn was represented with 53 members taking part at last weekend’s Melbourne Head over a 3.5 Km course on the Yarra.
Hawthorn had a total of 13 quads, 5 doubles and 2 singles competing in this very large regatta that attracted similar athlete numbers to our own Head of the Yarra.
Full regatta results by race are <HERE>
Upcoming Regattas
Next major regatta for Hawthorn is the MRA Rutherglen regatta at Lake Moodamere on Saturday and Sunday January 11-12th. Overnight accommodation is required on 10th & 11th so crews wishing to participate should start to explore options <HERE>
Participation interest please <EMAIL> Captain.
Entries close on 5th January 2020.
Saturday 30th November 2019 - All hands on deck!
2019 Head of the Yarra
This is a big week for the club culminating in the running of the Head of the Yarra on Saturday where all club members are required to contribute.
There is a lot of work with setup required on Friday, regatta and support roles on Saturday and post-race bump out and clean up on Saturday afternoon & Sunday.
Club will be closed to HRC club rowing activity from mid morning Friday to midday Sunday. Our site access will also be limited by security till midday Sunday.
All members are reminded membership comes with an obligation to assist in executing the club’s fundraiser which keeps our fees low, funds our fleet and club activities. If you haven’t yet got a role contact Penny Vogan to discuss how you can assist
Club Race Day - Sunday December 15
The Annual President’s vs. Captain’s Eights race with visit by Santa and breakfast BBQ will be held on Sunday morning December 15th.
Save the date.
Rowing Development Sessions.
The 3 club funded Rowing Development sessions per week will continue up till Xmas. Please ensure you book attendance least 12hrs in advance to ensure your crew and boat assignment. <RD BOOKINGS> .
Please not that due to Head of the Yarra preparations there are no RD sessions this Thursday 28/11 and Sunday 1/12.
Newsletter 4
/Newsletter 4. November 2019
Pleasant Sunday Social at HRC is next Sunday afternoon.
Sunday Nov 10th, 4pm - 6pm
We would like all active rowers to attend a casual briefing session at the clubhouse which will include training tips and information on boat & water safety. It will run for 30 minutes followed by drinks and a chance to catch up with other HRC members.
Drinks at bar prices. We welcome any savoury plates and your family and partners are welcome to attend this informative low key social activity.
Melbourne Head -Sat 23 Nov. Entries due by this Friday
While the Melbourne Head is still a few weeks away, entries close early. As such, members wishing to race in the Melbourne Head should let Captain know of their crews or intentions to be available for crew selection by this Friday. <Melb Head Event Details>
Rowing development sessions every Wed, Thurs & Sunday.
The three club-funded Rowing Development coaching sessions each week continue to attract strong participation.They will continue until Xmas. (Wed 5.45 am, Thurs 5.45 pm, Sun 7am). Please ensure you book attendance 12 hours in advance to enable Luciano to organise you into a crew. We have an on-line booking/confirmation system on the HRC Website. It can be accessed <HERE>
Rowing Safety
The club committee is currently reviewing safety procedures A range of new measures will be introduced in coming months. Members may like to brush up on some on-water safety measures and capsize procedures that are covered within this video recently added to our website.
On-Line BRO training NEW - Online BRO Level 1 Course
Rowing Victoria has introduced Online BRO Level 1 Course. Now avaliable for free via website. HRC is regularly called upon to supply Boat Race Officials for the regattas we attend. As such, it would be great for all active rowers and a family member to complete the course . Please click the link <HERE> to complete the course to attain your accreditation.
We want you in a HRC Crew!
/2nd OCTOBER 2019
HRC Rowing Development Training Squad
Message to all adult members about competing for HRC in upcoming regattas.
With daylight savings beginning this Sunday, and the warmer weather, it’s time to get rowing. There are two regattas in October that HRC is attending and we want to see solid HRC participation ; <Bendigo on October 19th>, and the <Head of the Goulburn on 26th October>. RV regattas have entries across a wide range of categories, ages and ability so there’s opportunity for all to be involved.
In a bid to encourage members to pop on some HRC colours and to have a go at racing, we are trialling a series of rowing development training squad sessions over the coming two weeks. The format is that all club members interested in competing in up-coming regattas are invited to attend at least one session per week where we will pull together crews from those who turn up.
Rowing development committee members and Luciano as our Development Coach will be in attendance to put you together in assorted crews, provide some coaching oversight, assess possible crew combinations with the ultimate aim of getting you all involved in attending some regattas. I promise no ergos, just on water training sessions within an adult rowing squad.
To accommodate both morning & evening preferences for rowing, we will provide three session times over the next two weeks. You can come to as many as you like, but at least come to one!
Wednesday 5.45 am – 7.45 am (9th + 18th October),
Thursday 5.45 pm – 7.45 pm (10th + 17th October),
Sunday 7.00 am – 9.00 am (13th + 20th October).
The club is paying for Luciano’s oversight as Rowing Development coach with 6 hours a week of his time to facilitate these sessions. Captain and Vice Captain will also get involved in coaching, coxing or whatever is needed, to get our Hawthorn members competition ready.
Finally if you need some rowing gear to look the part just go to the <online shop> .
See you on the water,
HRC Captain
HRC Rowing News 2019 Edition 2→
/Season 2019/20 Regatta - 2
Regatta News - September
Hawthorn was represented by 7 crews at the recent Head of the Barwon; 2 singles , 3 quads, a mixed double and composite quad was our compliment of crews. Congratulations to Josie Bant who took out the female masters single and Vic Sibilin and daughter siblings, who in a Mercantile composite crew, took out the Mixed Open Quad. Full results <Here>
Next weekend, 5th October 11 Hawthorn members are rowing and charity fund raising in the Flying Doctors’ Rowathon on the Murray Darling over 75 kms. If you wish to support their fund-raising efforts go to this <LINK>
Upcoming Regattas - October 19th
Next regatta for Hawthorn is the Bendigo Sprints Regatta on Saturday October 19th. The 480 metre sprint course on the picturesque Lake Weeroona is a great one for beginners to get a taste of competitive rowing. I’m looking for a big turnout for Hawthorn. There are events across all boat classes. For event details click <HERE>.
Participation interest please <EMAIL> Captain by Thursday 10/10th. Entries closes on 14/10.
Head of The Goulburn - October 26th
“Wine down” after a 7.2 km head race. Don’t miss an opportunity to be part of this great head race which has entry across a large range of boat classes. Once again we looking for strong Hawthorn participation. <Event details are HERE>.
If you want to put together a crew or are looking for one <Email the Captain> We are putting in our entries by Thursday 17th October so please advise Captain of your interest before this date.
Saturday 30th November 2019 - All hands on deck!
2019 Head of the Yarra - Entries Closed!
The entry cap of 270 crews has been reached 75 days prior to race start with interest in our club’s showcase event making it the most sought after on the annual rowing calendar.
Our first media release gives details on race entries and some key points of interest which club members may like to share with friends. It is available <HERE> .
A reminder once again to all HRC members of our collective obligation to assist in the running of the club’s fundraiser which keeps our fees low, funds our fleet and club activities. If you haven’t yet got a role for the day contact Penny Vogan to discuss how you can assist
Fleet Access - Guidelines
Booking for HRC equipment is made via the boat booking system. Details on fleet access are available on website <HERE>
Over the next week details on fleet usage rules will be posted around the sheds and all equipment will be marked.
All HRC boats and oars are designated as either green or red. (Note, the previous amber category has been revised to green giving members broader equipment access). All paid up club members have rights to access and book green fleet (about 70 % of club inventory).
Boats and oars designated as red are part of the competitive race fleet. This equipment is allocated to crews competing or training to compete for HRC. Access to this part of fleet requires permission <Details Here>
HRC Rowing News 2019 Edition 1→
/Season 2019/20 Regatta - 1
Hawthorn was represented with 13 Quads at this weekend’s Saltwater Challenge. A great start to the 2019/20 season.
Fastest Hawthorn Quad over the course was the Open Male Youth quad in a time of 16.18 min, followed by the Male D Masters Quad in 17.28 min, and the Boys School Open Div 2 Quad in 18.12 min.
For the Female’s, Josie Bant’s Open composite quad was fastest in 18.27min. The Female Open Div 1 Girls did 19.22 a fraction ahead of Female Open Div 2 girls at 19.23 over the 4.5km course. Full regatta results by race are <HERE>
Upcoming Regattas
Next regatta for Hawthorn is the Head of the Barwon on Saturday September 21st. It’s a 4.5km Head race in two brackets. Bracket 1 for small boats, Singles and Doubles, Bracket 2 for Quads fours & Eights. Event & entry details are <HERE>
Participation interest please <EMAIL> Captain by this Thursday September 11, entries close on 16 September.
Saturday 30th November 2019 - All hands on deck!
2019 Head of the Yarra
Entries have been very strong with less than 60 places left to fill. Entries likely to be closed before end of September.
Bendigo Bank has returned as a sponsor this year providing us with some additional funding out of their Community Grants budget.
All members are reminded membership comes with an obligation to assist in executing the club’s fundraiser which keeps our fees low, funds our fleet and club activities. If you haven’t yet got a role for the day contact Penny Vogan to discuss how you can assist
Australian rowers have had remarkable success with 10 boats qualified for the Tokyo Olympic games in 2020 at the recent world championships. <Read More>
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