Rowing Victoria Covid Guidelines
COVID MANAGEMENT - January 15th 2022
All Clubs have been provided with updated posters to remind us all of the current requirements re: vaccinations. As a gentle reminder, don’t forget that:
Proof of vaccination (or a medical exemption) needs to be shown by all people above the age of 18 who are accessing the rowing shed for any activity other than rowing, e.g. accessing the gym/ergo room or social rooms/bar.
At the moment, U18s do not need to show proof of vaccination to access gyms/social rooms.
Check-ins are still required by all.
It’s vital that we continue to follow all the Gov’t guidelines so we stay safe and can continue rowing. These guidelines are as follows:
If you are feeling unwell with COVID like symptoms, stay away from your Club, get tested and isolate until you receive a negative test result.
Those in attendance at a rowing club social room, gym or ergo room MUST be fully vaccinated or have a medical exemption. NO VACCINATION, NO ENTRY.
Vaccination status must be checked (and enforced for entry) to enable access to the above environments.
QR codes must be used every time a club member enters the club to either use the above facilities, enter the toilets/ changerooms and/or row.
Please disinfect shared equipment between use.
Please ensure hand sanitiser is available.
If you cannot socially distance, please wear masks.
Let's all play our part to ensure we can enjoy an uninterrupted regatta season and Stay Safe (and Stay Rowing!) together
HRC Captain 25th October 2021.
The Victorian Premier’s Statement yesterday has paved the way for the reopening of the HRC Clubhouse for member use from 6pm this Friday October 29th. The Official Metro Roadmap lays outage guidelines for opening this week at 80% Vax status, and the subsequent 90% vax status settings to be in place from around November 24th.
Please note for Members over 16, only double-vaxed will be permitted in Clubhouse and density quotas will limit numbers in gym area to 10, and to 20 in the clubhouse per time. Masks to be used within clubhouse, ensure doors are open to create good ventilation, equipment is thoroughly cleaned after use, and covid safety protocols are maintained including digital check-in, and social distancing.
These changes pave the way for club to recommence all training and regatta programs from the start of November. See Captain’s blog for full details.
HRC to Continue to Row from Cage - travel limit removed.
HRC Captain 21 October 2021.
The Premier’s roadmap circulated to members on Sunday was a bit misleading in its wording about Club’s being open from Friday 22 October. Sporting clubrooms will not be open, however outdoor sport restrictions have been eased.
HRC will continue for time being to row from Cage only, Double Vaxed members only, no Travel restrictions Cage bookings via Training Bookings Below is Council advice to HRC.
From: Sport and Recreation Team <>
Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2021 at 17:11
Subject: Update - COVID-19 Restrictions - 21 October 2021
To: Sport and Recreation Team <>
Dear Clubs,
From 11:59pm Thursday 21 October COVID-19 restrictions will further ease in Metro Melbourne. There will then no longer be restrictions on reasons to leave home, travel radius or curfew. The easing of restrictions will also mean some welcome changes for sport and recreation, in line with the Victorian Government’s Roadmap:
Physical recreation and community sport:
· Fully vaccinated only
· Outdoor only
· Training and social play only (no competition)
· DQ4 (i.e. 1 person per 4sqm),
· Venue cap is the minimum number of people required for training/social play up to maximum 50
· No spectators
· No indoor access,
The next easing of restrictions is expected from 5 November 2021 as follows for physical recreation and community sport:
· Fully vaccinated only
· Indoor activities return with DQ4 and 150 cap
· Outdoor cap increased to 500 with DQ2 (1 person per 2sqm)
· Indoor and outdoor community sport permitted with the minimum number of people required to participate
Please note that use of indoor spaces is not currently permitted. We understand many clubs are eager to have use of these spaces, especially for hiring/events. We expect this to be allowed in some capacity from 5 November.
Please continue to update your COVID-19 Safe Plan accordingly as these changes come into effect.
We expect more details to be released by the Victorian Government early next week in the form of updated ‘Restricted Activity Directions, Vaccinated Activity Directions’ etc. and will communicate these with clubs as they become available.
We will also send through an updated COVID-19 Safe Guide and FAQ document.
Kind regards,
Sport and Recreation
8 Inglesby Rd, Camberwell, 3124
(03) 9278 4797
Limited return to rowing available for HRC members.
Setting in place from 12 noon 7th October 2021.
Stage A Metro-Melbourne rowing setting adopted for use by HRC
Club’s like HRC with an outdoor storage space, have been permitted one-time only access to enable the outdoor storage of equipment that facilitates outdoor boating under current Metro Melbourne Covid Settings. Taking advantage of this HRC will store a select range of club equipment in the outdoor cage for club to row.
To Participate:
· You need to be fully vaccinated to participate.
· Only 5 fully vaccinated maximum per booked 15-minute equipment access slot.
· You need to be within 15km of your home.
Masks to be worn while not on water.
Get in (QR Code Check-in), rig/ row, get out.
A crew person/ coach responsible for ensuring compliance.
On water, crews are to maintain separation of 50 meters.
Only 1 Coach permitted in each coaching boat.
· No usage of clubhouse.
· Biggest boat that can be used is a quad or 4+.
· Use Boat Bookings to book your boat
· You must book your start time (only) via HRC’s training bookings.
· No Loitering. Get In, get out, get on the water quickly.
· When finished rowing;
o Thoroughly clean all equipment after use,
o Wait for cage to be free of other groups before entering,
o Let those initially accessing equipment to row, have priority access to cage.
Waterways are open to Rowing and RV Rowers insurance is in place. Access to and use of boats is permitted only from outdoor storage areas.
Bookings are essential for your 15-minute start time. The booking system will not accept bookings over 5 pax.
Use the Training bookings tab on website or the direct link here>
You may only use the outdoor cage area and the equipment stored within it.
Always ensure social distance and covid-safe practices
Enjoy being back on the Yarra
HRC Captain October 6th, 2021
Member Update - Premier’s Roadmap
19th September 2021 2.00pm
The Victorian Pemier has just delivered detail of the roadmap the state is working towards in terms of easing restriction which will affect our ability to row.
<The Premier’s Statement is Here>.
<The Metro-Melbourne Roadmap is Here>
The interpretation of the statement for Rowing at HRC is below. As we do eventually open-up club equipment for usage, there will be additional covid-safe, check-in and booking protocols to ensure member safety.
Currently rowing is not possible from a community rowing club. Individuals with access to their own boat not located within a rowing club may row as part of their daily permitted exercise within 10 KM of their home.
Key Stages were outlined by the Premier that affect our road back to a new normal for rowing. A new normal in which personal vaccination status will be important to allow participation - the clear message is to get double vaxed or you won’t be allowed to row.
Stage A (Est. 26th September - when 80% of population 16+ are single-dose vaxed). Outdoor training only for fully vaxed groups of 5- no access to community clubhouse). We will seek advice as to whether the club’s caged area can be used to provide training facility under this setting and advise. There is a 15 Km from home limit to be in attendance at clubhouse and a 5am-9pm curfew.
Stage B (Est. 26th October - When 70% of population 16+ are fully-vaxed). Outdoor training - access to boathouse but not upstairs change & bar facility. No competition, similar settings to last year where change facilities were not available for use but usage of downstairs boathouse was open to groups of 10 (fully-vaxed) per time.
Stage C (Est. November 5th - When 80% of population 16+ are fully-vaxed) Indoor and outdoor training and competition for fully vaxed. Outdoor regattas will be limited to 500 competitors, We will await advice from RV as to the exact settings for Rowing and advise.
HRC Captain.
16 August 4.00pm
An extension to Melbourne lockdown until September 2 has been announced. Details are contained in <Premier’s Statement>.
HRC Captain.
11th August 2021
The Victorian Premier has announced an extension of lockdown for 7 days until 11.59pm Thursday August 19th.
HRC Captain.
5th August 2021 4.30pm
The Victorian Premier has announced a seven day lockdown from 8pm tonight. Settings are as per prior lockdown, meaning sports clubs and community facilities are closed.We will advise members when lockdown restrictions ease, to enable usage of clubhouse and facilities. <Premier’s Announcement>
HRC Captain.
27 July 2021 11.30am
In line with the easing of restrictions just announced by the Victorian Premier <Premier’s Statement> , rowing from HRC and HRC club gym usage can recommence from 11.59 pm tonight.
Please note masks must be worn indoors in the clubhouse, numbers are restricted to 10 people indoors in line with public gathering density limits and covid safe cleaning of equipment pre and post use is mandatory.
The revised settings are shown in a table at Premier’s Statement link above.
Use the QR codes at clubhouse to check-in, book equipment in advance via boat bookings, and use the training bookings app to book your floor training which is limited to 10 inside the clubhouse for the time being.
HRC Captiain.
20 July 2021 11.30 am
Victoria’s Delta strain lockdown has been extended for a further 7 days <Premier’s Statement>.
This means that current settings will continue for the next seven days until Tuesday, 27 July at 11.59pm. There are only five reasons to leave home: getting the food and the supplies you need, exercising for up to two hours, care or caregiving, work or education if you can’t do it from home, or to get vaccinated at the nearest possible location.
Shopping and exercise must be done within 5kms of your home or the nearest location.
We will continue to monitor covid settings and advise when rowing activity at HRC can recommence.
HRC Captain.
15 July 2021. 5.00pm
In line with Victorian circuit breaker restrictions just announced and being introduced from 11:59pm tonight, <Premier’s Statement> the HRC Clubhouse will be closed to member access from tonight until Wednesday July 21st, or at whichever time the Circuit breaker restrictions are lifted.
Stay Safe and Well.
Hope to see you all back on the water very soon.
HRC Captain.
25 June 2021 UPDATE
On the advice of the State’s public health team, the restrictions for both Metropolitan Melbourne and Regional Victoria will again ease from 11:59pm on Thursday 24 June.
Relevant to our community, the following opportunities and restrictions will apply:
Scan Code Prior To attending clubhouse.
• Movement between metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria is still unrestricted.
• Club rooms including gyms and changerooms can remain open.
• Maximum Club capacity is now 300 indoors at the density quotient of 1 person per 4sqm
• Maximum group size is now 50 people indoors, e.g.,50 x people in gym, 50 x people in bar area.
• Competition with still permitted.
• The State Gov’t QR codes are to be used for check in at the club.
• Face masks must still be worn indoors except when exercising.
• Face masks must still be worn indoors including when retrieving equipment/ boats and are recommended to be worn outdoors where 1.5 metres physical distancing cannot be maintained. Face masks not required on water.
• Practice good hygiene measures including washing and disinfecting shared equipment.
16 June 2021
On the advice of the State's public health team, the restrictions for both Metropolitan Melbourne and Regional Victoria will again ease from 11:59pm on Thursday 17 June.
Relevant to our community, the following opportunities and restrictions will apply:
Movement between metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria is now unrestricted.
The 25km travel limit is removed.
Club rooms including gyms and changerooms can now open.
Maximum Club capacity no more than 50 indoors at the density quotient of 1 person per 4sqm
Maximum group size is 10 people indoors, e.g.,10 x people in gym, 10 x people in bar area.
Competition is permitted.
Spectators are not permitted.
The State Gov't QR codes are to be used for check in at the club.
Face masks must be worn indoors except when exercising.
Face masks must be worn indoors including when retrieving equipment/ boats and are recommended to be worn outdoors where 1.5 metres physical distancing cannot be maintained. Face masks not required on water.
Practice good hygiene measures including washing and disinfecting shared equipment.
Movement between metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria is now unrestricted.
Maximum Club capacity no more than 300 indoors at the density quotient of 1 person per 4sqm.
Maximum group size is 50 people indoors, e.g., 50 x people in gym, 50 x people in bar area.
Competition is permitted.
Face masks must be worn indoors except when exercising.
Face masks must be worn indoors including when retrieving equipment/ boats and recommended outdoors where 1.5 metres physical distancing cannot be maintained. Face masks not required on water.
The State Gov't QR codes are to be used for check in at the club.
Practice good hygiene measures including washing and disinfecting shared equipment.
Let's stay safe so we can keep rowing.
9th June 2021
As from Friday June 11th 2021, the easing of restrictions from the Metro Melbourne circuit-breaker lockdown allows for access to boat sheds to enable on-water training only.
I’m pleased to advise that the HRC Clubhouse will be open for members to access the boat bays for training. Access to the indoor toilets is also permitted but currently masks need to be used indoors. Usage of gym and ergos indoors is currently still off limits.
<The Full table of revised settings is here>
In short the new settings from Friday are:
Access is available to waterways to exercise/ train; sculls and crew boats permitted. There are no time limits.
Access is available to boat sheds to retrieve and return boats only.
Club rooms, and changerooms revert to “arrive, train, leave” behaviour. Limit your time at the club.
Where social distancing off the water cannot be guaranteed, wear face masks. Face masks not required on water.
Practice good hygiene measures including washing and disinfecting shared equipment and toilets.
The State Gov't QR codes at the doorways of Clubhouse must be used for check in at the club.
To save you bringing your phone into clubhouse, keep a copy of QR in your car or scan it from home before attending clubhouse.
HRC Captain.
3 June 2021.
Clubhouse remains Closed.
The Circuit breaker lockdown currently in place has been extended for Metropolitan Melbourne and is now in place till 11.59 pm Thursday June 10th. Regional Victorian restrictions have been eased and give some direction as to what we should expect in Metro Melbourne hopefully from Friday June 11th.
Full details of current settings are <in the acting Premier’s Statement here>
Stay safe.
HRC Captain.
27 May 2021.
7-Day Close
27 May 2021. In Line with Victorian circuit breaker restrictions just announced and being introduced from 11:59pm tonight the HRC Clubhouse will be closed to member access from tonight until Friday June 4th, or at whichever time the circuit breaker restrictions are lifted. Stay Safe and Well.
Hope to see you all back on the water very soon.
HRC Captain. <Act. Premier’s Statement>
1st April 2021 - Rowing Victoria Covid Update.
Please find below the latest COVID update from the Victorian Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions.
On Friday 26 March, the Victorian Government announced that Victoria will further relax its COVIDSafe Settings, allowing for more visitors in the home, reduced mask wearing and an increase in the number of people allowed in live music venues and other settings.
The full list of COVIDSafe Settings that now apply are available for you to review, and updated Restricted Activity Directions have been published.
A broad summary of restrictions as they impact physical recreation and community sport can be found below.
Indoor and outdoor physical recreation and community sport:
A density quotient of one per two square metres applies to each space, up to a maximum of 1,000 people.
No group caps on indoor or outdoor gym and exercise classes (other than limits imposed by density quotients)
COVID Marshals required when gyms are staffed.
Signage must state the number of people permitted inside.
At times when gyms are unstaffed, a density quotient of one per four square metres applies.
Gyms must supply disinfectant and other cleaning products must be supplied for use by patrons, and electronic record keeping through the Services Victoria application or a government API-linked digital system is required (venues will have a 28-day compliance amnesty).
Venues with capacity of greater than 500 patrons must publish a COVIDSafe Plan online.
Pools, spas, saunas, steam rooms and springs:
Indoor and outdoor pools open with a density quotient of one per two square metres.
The density quotient does not apply to any part of a swimming pool that is being used exclusively for swimming lessons or water safety instruction.
Electronic record keeping through the Services Vic app or a government API-linked digital system is required (venues will have a 28-day compliance amnesty).
Outdoor communal gym equipment: Open
Publicly accessible playgrounds: Open
It is now mandatory for businesses to use the free Victorian Government QR Code Service or a QR Code provider.
If you are already using the free Victorian Government QR Code Service for your record keeping, you do not need to do anything.
If you are not using a QR code service (HRC uses Aquity Scheduling to power our <Training Bookings app>), you don't need to do anything – just keep using the app as normal.
As part of our rapid response to any future incidents, all members are reminded to continue to log your club attendance in advance via the <Training Bookings> app.
For the latest advice concerning Covid safety protocols at HRC click links below:
<Rowing Victoria - Covid Guidelines Hub>.
<Boroondara Sport’s Clubs Covid Guidelines Dec 6 2020>
<HRC Covid-Safe Management Plan - Oct 18 2020>
HRC Covid19 Response
At Hawthorn Rowing club we consider safety to be one of our highest priorities. We want you to know that we are monitoring the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak situation closely and are listening carefully to the questions and concerns we receive from our members.
The Department of Health and Human Services advocate that we continue healthy habits such as exercising. However due to the progression of restrictions access to the sport of rowing and our clubhouse amenity was closed for a considerable period of 2020. We are pleased now to open up and progressively release greater access to our amenities, as is safe to do so, from Wednesday October 28th.
Our club locks have been changed during the break to an electronic fob system which assist in safety by monitoring member access.
In the immediate term, early season regattas have either been cancelled or are unlikely to take place. The season regatta schedule for Hawthorn is <HERE>. Captain will advise members in advance of regattas and entries for regattas the club will attend.
Club Training
All members (other than Juniors in the after school program) must book they attendance in advance utilising the <Training Bookings> app.
The Captain will periodically email membership with training tips for exercise and fitnesss activity members can undertake from home. Some of the more tech-savvy members may like to engage with the broader membership with training challenges and activities in the various club online forums.
Background on Covid-19
COVID-19 is a new strain of the Corona virus which also causes the common cold.
Most cases have evidence of human to human transmission.
COVID-19 spreads through close contact with an infected person; mostly face-to-face or within a household. It cannot jump across a room or be carried for long distances in the air so we should all go about our lives as normal.
Close contact means greater than 15 minutes face-to-face or the sharing of a closed space for more than two hours with a confirmed case.
A close contact could include any person meeting any of the following criteria:
living in the same household or household-like setting (for example, a boarding school or hostel),
direct contact with the body fluids or laboratory specimens of a confirmed case,
a person who spent two hours or longer in the same room,
face-to-face contact for more than 15 minutes with the case in any other setting not listed above.
It is important to avoid contact with others with the following symptoms-
-Cough, shortness of breath or chest discomfort
-Sore throat, runny nose
Traveled overseas-
High Risk Countries - Mainland China, Iran, Italy, South Korea
Moderate Risk - Singapore, Japan, Cambodia, Thailand, Indonesia, Hong Kong
All other countries are considered low risk but obviously this is a rapidly evolving situation.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends hygiene and other measures to reduce the general risk of infections by:
- Frequently cleaning hands using soap and water (20 seconds) or alcohol based hand rub
-When coughing and sneezing cover mouth and nose with flexed elbow or tissue. Throw tissue away immediately and wash hands.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
It is also important to wipe down or wash equipment after use particularly when using gym equipment.