Club Social Event - Sunday June 18th.
An end of Season Celebration BBQ including club races and club awards will be held on Sunday June 18th.
Club races, on water by 9.30am. Email Captain with your interest in racing. All abilities welcome. If you have a set crew please include that detail in your email.
Races will be followed at 11am with the 22/23 season club awards with a BBQ luncheon supplied. The club bar will be open for drinks purchases. Share plates to accompany BBQ would be appreciated.
HRC Club Working Bee Sunday May28th
A range of tasks including fleet maintenance, rearranging equipment storage and general sprucing up of our clubhouse is required. Please set aside some time on Sunday May 28th between 9.00 am and 1.00pm to assist.
Annual Subs renewal
Expect a note from treasurer over the next two weeks with renewal of annual subs. The rate for 2023/24 season has a small CPI increase and is set at:
Full Membership ($536 pa incl. GST *) - all rowers over the age of 18.
Junior Membership ($357 pa incl. GST *) - all rowers up to the age of 18.
Coxswain Membership ($30 pa incl. GST *, for registration with Rowing Victoria) - anyone who only wishes to cox boats on a voluntary basis.
Private Boat Storage fee ($536 per seat incl. GST *) - Committee request & approval required as rack space is limited.
Captain’s Update
Winter program Rowing Development (RD) sessions
Following a hiatus of over a year, Rowing Development sessions will start up again this coming weekend, the 20th and 21st May. These sessions provide members with regular coaching and training with Head Coach, Simon Harrison and will have a specific focus on both club based and individual development goals. It also provides a regular opportunity to meet, row and socialise with other HRC members. Rowers of all experience are invited to participate.
Winter program Rowing Development (RD) session
During the winter months, the main RD session will be on Sunday mornings from 9.00am - 10.30 am with a specific focus on sweep rowing in eights and fours. Rowing in quads and doubles will also however be possible, and maybe even in an Octoscull !
In addition in the lead up to the Winter Sculling series (see below) and beyond, additional RD sessions will be held on Saturday afternoons from 1.00pm - 2.30 pm for anyone interested in learning or further developing their skills in a single scull. Rowing in a single can be a challenging process at first but is really rewarding and a fantastic way to greatly increase your sculling skills.
If you are interested in participating in the RD sessions, either as an individual or as a crew, please register online.
A link to RD booking via the Acuity App on your phone can also be found on this page.
Regular participation at either or both of these training sessions is encouraged. For each session, the captain and coach will allocate rowers to crews, with established crews prioritised to row together where possible.
Once we have more daylight available in the evenings later in the year, RD sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5.30 - 7.00 pm will recommence in the lead up to the 2023-24 regatta season.
Please be aware of the significant fallen tree hazards on the river both upstream and downstream of HRC.
No crews are to boat pre dawn and post dusk without lights
The Victorian Sculling Association (VSA) is once again running their Winter Sculling racing series every Saturday morning during the months of June, July and August. For information please see their website -
HRC Masters Eight, Silver Medalists at Victorian State Championships. Additionally Congratulations to Conrad Tullock (stroke) who has also been Chosen to Represent Victoria in the State Masters 8.
State Masters Nagambie May 6th
Gold Medals:
Mixed Masters D Coxless Quad Scull
J.Wheelahan, N.Kinsman, C.Tulloch, S.O'Connor-Smith
Silver Medals:
Mixed Masters D - E Coxed Four
R.Oliver, D.Horne, J.Perry, T.Knowles, Cox: G.Besley
Male Masters D Pair
S.O'Connor-Smith, C.Tulloch
Male Masters Club Eight
J.Perry, E.Anstee, S.O'Connor-Smith, C.Tulloch, M.Beale, P.Freeland-Small, G.Keon-Cohen, T.Knowles, Cox: G.Besley
Mixed Masters F - K Coxed Eight
L.Olayos, B.Olayos, D.Horne, J.Perry, T.Knowles, P.Freeland-Small, R.Blake, R.Oliver, Cox: G.Besley
Mixed Masters E Coxless Quad
M.Oliver, J.Cotchin, R.Blackwell, R.Sabbagh
Female Masters Club Quad Scull
L.Olayos, D.Horne, R.Blake, R.Oliver, Cox: Guy Besley
Bronze Medals:
Mixed Masters F - K Coxless Quad Scull
B.Olayos, L.Olayos, R.Blake, P.Freeland-Small
Mixed Masters E Double Scull
J.Wheelahan, A.Purton
Male Masters F Coxed Four
A.Purton, E.Anstee, G.Keon-Cohen, S.O'Connor-Smith, Cox: B.Olayos
Mixed Masters E Coxless Quad
B.Olayos, N.Kinsman, C.Ashley, P.Freeland-Small
Other Regatta Results
Corio Bay Masters April 22nd Wins:
XM4X+ Bill Olayos, Mark Oliver, Ruth Oliver, Wendy Cotter (Nag) © Tiffany Rimmington
MM2X Bill Olayos, Shane O’Conner-Smith
FM4x+ Jen Wheelahan, Dom Horne Tiffany Rimmington, Ruth Oliver, © Penny Vogan
MM4+ John Perry, Bruce Winnen (PH) ,John Stewart, Trevor Knowles © Guy Besley
MM2- Shane O’Conner-Smith, Conrad Tullock
Ballarat Masters April 29th : No Wins
Tally of Season wins after State Masters:-
7. Shane O’Conner-Smith
6: Trevor Knowles
5. John Perry, John Stewart, Bill Olayos, Max Currie,
4: Pat Freeland-Small,
3: Archie Critchell, Mark Oliver, Richard Blackwell, Adam Chang (Jnr), Conrad Tullock, Ruth Oliver
2: Matthew Beale, Jen Wheelahan, Dom Horne
1: John Lake, Ollie Beadle, Andrew Vogan, David Anstee, Mohamed Ali, Alan Purton, Rob Flocas, Greg Sullings, Andrew Chang (Snr), Stuart Chard, Tiffany Rimmington, , Natasha Kinsman, Louise Olayos, Robyn Blake, Vic Sibilin
Coxes: 7. Guy Besley, 1. Isabelle Rochford, Andrew Vogan, Penny Vogan, Tiffany Rimmington.
Champagne Moments
On Sunday April 23rd as part of the Annual Anzac commemorative service the Club also celebrated with 3 major christening activities:
Christening of the Club Staging with the club President recognising the efforts of Jim Breen, Vic Sibilin, and Andrew Vogan in the 7 year journey that has lead to such a wonderful result.
Christening of Quad Scull, with club member Peter Wilson congratulating Andrew Vogan on the club’s recognition.
Christening of Heavy Wt Men’s 8+ with Club Captain Ollie Beadle congratulating Pat Freeland-Small on having the Club 8 named in his honour.
Anzac Service conducted by Jim Dewar
Bidding the old staging goodbye.
Welcoming in the new staging.
HOTY 2023
The 2023 Head of the Yarra scheduled for Saturday November 25th is shaping up to be our biggest ever event with over 270 crews .
The Head of the Yarra Committee is working hard on pulling together all aspects of this year’s program. It is pleasing to report that through the hard work of Rob Perkins some major sponsorship funds will be brought to bear to assist in innovations in 2023 that will cement HOTY’s prestigious position on the Australian rowing calendar.
If you are able to assist or would like to join the HOTY organising committee, please contact the Race Secretary Penny Vogan.