Club Social Event - Sunday April 23rd.
Club races from Dolly to the new staging - on water by 9.00am. Email Captain with your interest in racing. All abilities welcome. If you have a set crew please include that detail in your email.
Races will be followed at 10.30 am with a boat and landing christening before the Anzac service at 11.00am (Detail on club’s memorial)
Don’t miss out on this important HRC historical milestone which will be captured in a club portrait, like the one below in from 1905.
Boat Landing Christening in 1905 - HRC Historical collection
Clubhouse update
One small step for man….
one giant leap for HRC.
It’s been a long-time coming, but it’s finally in place and well worth the wait.We are back in action from the HRC clubhouse with a new state of the art 90 mt. long floating staging which was completed last weekend.
All club activity resumes from the HRC facility as from Saturday April 22 when all equipment will have been relocated from Powerhouse.
Ballarat & State Masters Regattas (29 April & 6 May).
Expressions of interest from those wishing to race in the final two masters regattas in this year’s Victorian race calendar are required at latest by Friday 21st April. Email the Captain with your interest if you haven’t done so to date.
Update on Rowing Competition.
This Saturday (April 22) a large contingent will represent Hawthorn on the Barwon at the Corio Masters regatta. We wish all HRC competitors good speed.
Regatta report: Saturday 25th March - Footscray Saltwater
Young Alan Purton and Rob Flocas both WInners of MM1X at Footscray.
It was a great day out for the club at Footscray on Saturday 25th March. A squad of 35 rowers competed across 16 events with all crews putting in an awesome effort.
Congratulations to all the following gold medal winners:
Male Masters Coxed Quad Scull: Bill Olayos, Olly Beadle, Richard Blackwell, Pat Freeland-Small, Cox: Lisa Letic (Albert Park)
Male Masters Coxed Quad Scull: John Perry, John Stewart, Bruce Winnen (Power House), Trevor Knowles, Cox: Guy Besley
Male Double Scull: John Lake, Andrew Vogan
Male B Grade Pair: Conrad Tulloch, Shane O’Connor-Smith
Male Masters Single Scull: Rob Flocas and Alan Purton.
Male C Grade Coxed Four: Dave Anstee, Greg Sullings, Matthew Beale, Andrew Chang, Cox: Andrew Vogan.
March 27 - April 2
HRC was represented by Archie Critchell & Max Currie.
Max came away with a Silver medal in MU19 4x in a quick time 6.21min/sec and ranked 8th overall in the U19 1X.
Archie and Max ranked 7th nationally in the U19 2x.
Individually Archie made the quarter finals of the U191X and ranked 9th Nationally in the School Boy Open 1X representing Kew High School.
The club is vey proud of the boys achievements and that of their coaches Tristan Kreveskis & Jackson Morrish.
Tally of Season wins to date:-
5: Trevor Knowles
4: Max Currie, Pat Freeland-Small, John Perry, John Stewart, Shane O’Conner-Smith
3: Archie Critchell, Richard Blackwell, Bill Olayos, Adam Chang (Jnr)
2: Mark Oliver, Mathew Beale
1: John Lake, Ollie Beadle, Andrew Vogan, David Anstee, Mohamed Ali, Alan Purton, Conrad Tullock,Rob Flocas, Greg Sullings, Andrew Chang (Snr), Stuart Chard
Coxes: 5. Guy Besley, 1. Isabelle Rochford, Andrew Vogan
HRC Coxes & Coaches
A couple of 'Get your Cox Certificate' events were held recently thanks to Ruth Oliver and Guy Besley. There is also a new HRC Coxswain Forum on WhatsApp. All members who have a certificate, or are thinking of gaining one, are welcome to join.
Contact Guy Besley or Ruth Oliver to be added.
Happy 90th Birthday Chris!
Chris De Guingand turns 90 on 24th April. A former Club President and club elder statesman, we wish “The General” all the best in his joint birthday celebration this week with his 60 year old son.
HOTY 2023
With Creswick Street reopened and the new HRC ramp in place, the 2023 Head of the Yarra scheduled for Saturday November 25th will likely be our biggest ever event.
Returning after a 4 year hiatus due to pandemic and floods, we will need all hands on deck to ensure this major fundraiser helps reinvigorate our club. If you are able to assist or would like to join the HOTY organising committee, please contact the race Secretary Penny Vogan.
Click the link below to view the 2023 race promo video or to share it with your colleagues.