August '24 Bow Ball Bulletin
/HRC Management
The newly elected HRC committee convened for its first meeting on August 14th.
In addition to the Hawthorn General Committee, we have several subcommittees who deal with more specific areas of club management.
Rowing Development: Head Coach Simon Harrison, Captain. Tristan Krstevski
Head of the Yarra: Rob Perkins
Website and Communications: Pat Freeland-Small/Julie Cotchin
General Enquiries: To the HRC Secretary via
Membership Enquiries: Ruth Oliver via
Social: Louise Olayos
RV Delegate: Julie Cotchin assisted by Vic Sibillin
House: Max Currie, assisted by Pat Freeland-Small, James Lyon & Alan Purton.
Learn to Row Program: Julie Cotchin transitioning to Bill Olayos from November. Learn to Row
Auditor: Dimitrios Beroukas
We need you for Club Success !
As a volunteer run community club we rely upon the whole membership to contribute in some way to the running of our club. President Chris has asked for our members to speak to the committee if you can offer time to do a task weekly/monthly like helping Bill welcome learn to row members at their first meeting, or giving Max a hand with the DIY tasks, or helping Dom and Lou with social events.
Contact <Dom our club secretary> to discuss how you may be able to get involved.
Rowing Developoment
Rowing Development will remain on Sunday mornings from 9am - 10:30am.
Sign up weekly on the <Website>
Tuesdays and Thursdays evening sessions (6pm -7:30pm) will return also once we get closer to Daylight Savings (Late September - October) so keep a look out for announcements in your inbox and the WhatsApp.
Below is an individual survey for those who are intending to race this year. This survey is crucial in in understanding all of your individual goals and allows us to set up steps for success for both yourself and the club crews.
Y'oars Truly, Tristan Krstevski Captain.
Planning for 2024 Head of the Yarra on November 23rd is well underway. The crew cap of 300 crews was reached within 1 day of the opening of entries.
Ensure you keep the date free to assist the club in this all-hands-on-deck club showcase.
If you haven’t yet got a job contact <our volunteer coordinator Natasha Kinsman>
HRC at World Masters
Members representing Hawthorn from September 11-15th in Germany are: Ruth & Mark Oliver, Louise and Bill Olayos, Dom Horne, Robyn Blake, Jen Wheelahan, Sue Lilley, Fiona Richardson, JB Stewart, Pat Freeland-Small and Richard Blackwell. We wish them all good speed & success. Click on the Image for regatta details.