September '22 Bow Ball Bulletin
/Next Bendigo
Jackie advises next outing for Hawthorn is the Bendigo Sprints Regatta on the 15th of October. <BENDIGO REGATTA DETAILS>
This regatta is appropriate for all levels and is an excellent regatta for beginners. The short distance will allow for multiple races. This is a really fun regatta and an excellent opportunity to allow our membership to try a lot of different races.
Please respond to Jackie by completing this EOI to provide your interest. If you are interested in rowing but haven't been on the water over the winter, no worries! Let Jackie know and she will find some opportunities to support your transition back onto the water. We may have to be flexible while we wait for the landing.
Boat Safety Reminder
A recent collision by a Hawthorn sculler is a timely reminder about boat safety. As the weather warms and there are more users on the river, please ensure you are paying careful attention while rowing and follow all river rules. Additionally, the spring weather can be unpredictable, so check the weather forecast before starting your row.
Rowing Development
HRC will get Rowing Development up and running as soon as we have access to the new landing. Jackie is looking to organise some land based sessions to assist prior to rowers returning to the water
Regatta Wrap
Saltwater 3rd September
Five quads represented Hawthorn at the recent Saltwater Head Regatta at Essendon. Best HRC category times and performances were recorded by the three crews pictured
MSch4X+ O1 3rd Place Time 17.05 min, MMClub4X 2nd Place Time 16.42 min, XM4x+ 6th Place Time 19.31 min.
22 World Masters Libourne France
Six members; Bill & Louise Olayos, Ruth & Mark Oliver, Dom Horne and Robyn Blake wore the blue & white hoops at the recent World Masters regatta in Libourne France. A range of PB’s were recorded as well as a Bronze Medal for Ruth & Mark in the Mixed Masters Double.
New Staging
Moderate flooding of the Yarra over recent weeks has plagued progress on the delivery of our new staging. The retaining wall is in place but work still needs to be done to insert the 6 upright pillars prior to the floating staging being connected.
Works are expected to be completed in first week of October. Captain advises rowing may resume from the site around October 11th.
In the meantime a workable fleet is available for use from temporary facilities at PowerHouse.
Clubhouse can still be accessed with your fob for gym and ergo use.
Ensure fleet bookings are made via bookings system
Adult LTR
The 1st Adult Learn to Row program for this year (12 places) commences Sunday October 16th at 11.00am. Cost for the 5 session, weekend-based program is $200. Places are filling fast.
Planning for 2022 Head of the Yarra on November 26th is well underway. The crew cap of 180 was reached within 1st hour after opening of entries.
HOTY committee is monitoring progress on the main sewer works in Creswick Street with hope that the 100 crews on waitlist may be accommodated on race day.
Ensure you keep the date free to assist the club in this all-hands-on-deck club showcase.
If you haven’t yet got a job contact Zameen Hassan
About Bow Ball Bulletin.
Following each HRC committee meeting the Bow Ball Bulletin (BBB) will be published to keep members informed of latest news from the ”pointy end” of the club.
All Members are invited to submit details of any news, photos or activities relevant to the membership by emailing your information to prior to the 3rd Wednesday of each month.