HRC’s New Race Kit - Order before August 4th.
A new club race strip for Hawthorn has been approved by Rowing Australia for implementation at the start of the 23/24 race season.
All HRC members wishing to race this season will need to order new kit. To facilitate, we have a new online webstore with a fabulous range of gear available for purchase through our new supplier Rival Kit.
The new design is in keeping with the visual historical look, but differs in that a three white stripe bodice plate, front and back, is placed on a blue base layer, so the full hoops are gone.
We are moving away from white base layer to blue as more sunscreen friendly and flattering to the master’s rower physique. Blue Caps and Blue under garments are the new approved look.
A bulk order, delivered to clubhouse, will be available over the next two weeks saving shipping costs for all who participate. Use the code HAWTHORNBULK on checkout to save shipping costs on all orders on or before August 4th.
Click the link below to progress your order.
Club AGM - Sunday July 30th.
The club’s AGM will be held on Sunday 30th July at 11.00am preceded by club races at 9.00 am. We’d like to see a strong turn-up from the membership.
At the meeting, the 22/23 committee will be dissolved with all positions up for renomination. Treasurer and Secretary roles will become vacant with current incumbents not renominating. Those with financial skills or those with organisational skills are asked to consider nomination for one of these two roles which are part of the club executive group.
There are also 3 General committee positions to fill with responsibilities as; 1. Membership, 2. Social, and 3. House (Clubhouse maintenance).
Committee nomination forms are available here.
The agenda and Annual report will be circulated in due course.
Those of you who would like to take part in club races at 9.00 am please click on photo above to make a booking.
Captain’s Update
A number of HRC male and female masters members are in training for the World Rowing Masters in September 2024 and have committed with their accomodation booked already.
If you are keen to join this HRC world contingent contact Ruth Oliver.
HOTY 2023 Update
Entries for Australian Crews open on August 1st with a race for one of the 270 crew spots expected.
We need volunteers. If you or family members are able to assist or would like to join the HOTY organising committee, please contact the Race Secretary Penny Vogan.