We Want Parents Involved with Junior Rowing at Hawthorn

During the rowing season a junior member advisory group will be convened to facilitate active parent participation to manage the specific rowing program needs of our junior membership cohort.

 Junior Member Advisory Group - Terms of reference.

The Junior member advisory group is responsible for the unique rowing program coaching needs of Junior Members of the Hawthorn Rowing Club.

The advisory group will consist of four members , including a representative from the Coach, the HRC Captain, and at least 2 Junior Member parents who represent the collective interests of our Junior membership’s families. Its role is to coordinate: 

  1. Junior rowers’ coaching programs e.g.

    1. School-term coaching programs which parents may wish to fund as pre/after school activities for Juniors providing cost-effective group training.

    2. School holiday coaching programs

  2. Fundraisers or events to assist in funding Hawthorn Juniors‘ rowing activities and equipment, (this is in addition to the club-wide HOTY obligations).

  3. Parent engagement to develop parents of Hawthorn juniors rowing program support and club engagement.

  4. Assistance at regattas

Parents interested to be involved are asked to nominate interest by contacting the Captain  by end of July each season.